Pink Himalayan Salt
Himalayan pink salt is mostly mined in Pakistan and near the Himalayan foothills. Due to the proximity of this country to Iran, our company can extract this salt and supply it with excellent quality and appropriate price.
How to buy it
Our company can send this product with any analysis you want and in the form of your desired packaging through different transportation methods such as (FOB) (CFR) (DAP) (CIF). It should be noted that we also offer free product testing for you.
Our offices in Oman, Iran and America are ready to serve you.
It is extracted in salt mines that were before Alexander the Great. Pink salt contains all 84 rare and essential elements of your body. It also gets its color from minerals especially iron oxide.
items use
In terms of health, pink salt is better than table salt because it contains more nutrients and by consuming it you will get iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iodine. The reason for its different taste is the presence of calcium, magnesium and potassium. The taste of pink salt is saltier than table salt, and for this reason, less salt is used in each meal.
It’s used to cook food and can help lose weight without side effects. It is useful for treating skin diseases such as eczema and also relieves muscle pain. It is suitable for lung diseases and increases the quality of sleep. Psychologically, its color is relaxing.
And other things:
– Improvement of respiratory diseases
– It balances the body’s pH
– Reduce signs of aging
– Blood sugar regulation
– Increased libido
It reduces the risk of infection and destroys harmful bacteria.
Who shouldn’t use
Although it is a good alternative to table salt, it’s not suitable for people with high blood pressure and if it is consumed excessively, it leads to heart failure, kidney stones and stomach cancer .Also, it is less suitable for people with iodine deficiency . If you use pink salt, you should get more iodine from other foods, such as seaweed, dairy products, and fish.
Positive points of pink salt
Pink salt is a good alternative to table salt because it has less sodium. people with kidney, heart and liver problems should control their sodium intake So they can use pink salt.
A 2016 study from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that more than 90% of children and 89% of adults consume more than the recommended amount of sodium.
Table salt is refined and mixed with anti boil agents, but pink salt doesn’t contain additives.
Improve depression
An animal study showed that pink salt had a positive effect on depressive symptoms and its color also affects depression.
How to use
With all this, pink salt should be consumed in moderation, like 1 teaspoon per day because it’s said that its taste is more salty than table salt and it has less sodium.
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