Sour tea – Hibiscas sabdariffa

Red tea with scientific name: Hibiscas sabdariffa It grows in tropical and subtropical regions around the world such as Iran,

Coriander Seed

  Medicinal plants have a special importance in the world, and this importance is increasing day by day, and the

Nettle or Nettels

Nettle or Nettels Urtica dioica, U. urens , (Urtica)   Stinging nettle is particularly found as an understory plant in


Raisins Having received the title of the world grape city, Malair city ranks first in the production of raisins. After


Mallow It grows abundantly in most parts of Iran, especially in Khuzestan province, Andimshek city and plains around that city.

Licorice extract

Licorice extract – Glycyrrhiza glabra Iran is a high plateau, one-third of which is mountainous, a small part is plain,


Galbanum Today, the two main sources of galbanum are Iran and Turkey. Due to its abundance in Iran, our company

Ephedra sinica – Ma-huang

Ephedra sinica – Ma-huang   It was also used in the Hindu religion of Iran. This plant is abundant in